Dear Dad x Rachel

Dear Dad

This year I’m thankful that we have probably spent more time together than we have in many, many years.

It’s a joy to sit down and have smoko together. In fact, I think that we’ve probably enjoyed more beverages, hot and cold, this year than any other.

We are grateful for your driving on horse inspection road trips for two generations, and ever thankful for all your help, especially looking after us with the thoughtful jobs that occur without us even knowing. 

Terry and Rachel The Conron Store

Rachel and Terry in the Pony Club Days

Adelaide knows what you like she says, so rest assured you will love your Father’s Day present. You may even have help to enjoy it!

Rach x

And from all of the team at Conron - We love you Terry and all that you do for us every day Happy Father's Day x

Stetson Hat The Conron Store

We know Terry would love a new hat for Father's Day! Here he is in his pick (a mighty find choice!) in our Stetson Gus Felt, with the old faithful in hand. ;)


Fathers day

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